The People Who Lift Me Up

Jan 25, 2010

Judi Ward kindly gives out a wonderful free doll pattern!

Judi Ward is an AMAZING long time doll artist and pattern designer. I have a good bit of her patterns myself that I have been flipping to make. I just never seem to get away from my own projects long enough to play but I do indeed intend to get them all made. Judi will be one of the pattern designers that I will feature on my website once I get some of her dolls made and I cannot wait.

Judi is offering a fantastic FREE, yeppers I said FREE, pattern called Wide Eyed Wendy. It is a gorgeous pattern that has TONS of possibilities. You can read more on it and get the pattern here . She is also offering a shoe pattern for her as well as "facial" instructions. What a huge treat for us!

Oh and to top it off, she is also running a contest where you can enter to win a Wendy made by Judi Ward herself! Look below, is she not gorgeous or what? *sigh*

I also so encourage you to check out Judi's other patterns.
They are 100% fab! Her whole website is wonderful and full of treats. She also offers fantastic classes!

Happy Wendy Making!

Xoxoxxx Ree


  1. Oh so true! Judi is AWESOME! Don't forget to give some props to rock yourself!

  2. Thanks for posting this Ree, it's always good to meet another doll artist! But I would really like to see you get motivated and begin creating again ... I love your work!
    Warmest Hugs,
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  3. Wow Ree - they are pretty dolls...I am unfamiliar with her work - thanks for the links - I am certainly going to check her out!!

    Have a fun day!!


  4. Is the bluette manikin patterns still available. I can see it but can't download it.


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