The People Who Lift Me Up

Jan 25, 2010

Sew many fantastic give-a-ways! I just had to post another...

Madame Samm at Sew Dolls Who's Next is giving away a GORGEOUS Valentine's Day sweetheart named Chloe!

Chloe is made by Samm herself which, I have said so many times in the past and will say again now, is one of the most wonderful and talented dolls makers I have ever met. Samm's talent just keeps going and going and her heart just keeps giving and giving.

You can read all about the chance to win Chloe right here:

How exciting is this??? If you are not a member of Samm's blog yet I so hope you join. You will love her daily posts and there as there is never a dull moment!

Fingers X for you!
Xoxoxxx Ree

Judi Ward kindly gives out a wonderful free doll pattern!

Judi Ward is an AMAZING long time doll artist and pattern designer. I have a good bit of her patterns myself that I have been flipping to make. I just never seem to get away from my own projects long enough to play but I do indeed intend to get them all made. Judi will be one of the pattern designers that I will feature on my website once I get some of her dolls made and I cannot wait.

Judi is offering a fantastic FREE, yeppers I said FREE, pattern called Wide Eyed Wendy. It is a gorgeous pattern that has TONS of possibilities. You can read more on it and get the pattern here . She is also offering a shoe pattern for her as well as "facial" instructions. What a huge treat for us!

Oh and to top it off, she is also running a contest where you can enter to win a Wendy made by Judi Ward herself! Look below, is she not gorgeous or what? *sigh*

I also so encourage you to check out Judi's other patterns.
They are 100% fab! Her whole website is wonderful and full of treats. She also offers fantastic classes!

Happy Wendy Making!

Xoxoxxx Ree

Jan 18, 2010

Oh please do come take a peek, I am sew excited!

I made a dress!...a SMALL one!
*Oh poo, I just noticed after posting this picture that I did not have one of the sleeves folded out all the way. I promise you, both sleeves are even LOL*

While I have done some smaller dolls on and off in the past this is the first time I have seriously sat down and decided to shrink some of my patterns to make a couple smaller lines. Most of my current dolls are fairly large so in the past I have always been able to use store bought baby clothes patterns for them when wanting to make their clothes or I just simply bought store made baby clothes.

Needless to say, after being encourage by a friend to try some smaller dolls, hmmm wonder who that could be, this put me in a challenging spot as I needed to make clothes to fit my smaller dolls as well.

Well, after weeks of trial and error (I am a doll maker not a seamstress lol) I did finally manage to come up with one dress pattern but I cannot show you that right now, no no, because that little dress is on a little darling that will be on her way home to a very special new momma this Friday. I will not post her pictures until I know she has made it to her new home.

Okay so to get on with my point, Madame Samm is the wonderful and encouraging friend behind this new venture for me. She is also the wonderful doll maker who sent me the tutorial to make the dress I am showing today. I cannot believe how fast I was able to make this dress and I am telling you, I am a serious slow poke sewer! Her tutorial consisted of over FORTY photos and there was just no going wrong with it! I am thrilled with the results and as always I cannot thank Madame Samm enough! Please take a nice long look at her blog, it's posted on the side here. You will fall in love with her dolls and on top of that she shares how to make other things too!

Is this dress going to be perfect for a gothic Alice in Wonderland rag doll or what???? Once I make a little apron for it oh yes yes yes I do believe it will be! *big smiles* I am so tickled!

Ahh and I just had to show off the adorable little wardrobe that I found at the thrift store. I plan on painting white polka dots (of course) on the two doors...isn't it sweet?!

Jan 15, 2010

If blogs could talk...

...I do believe mine would say "slap me on the toosh and call me gorgeous"

All thanks to the wonderful and beyond talented Madame Samm of ---Sew Dolls, who's next----

Oh yes making dolls is truly Samm's specialty, and what a gift she has there, BUT, that is not where it stops. Oh no no no indeed, her talent goes much further which leads me to yet one more stop before I get to my point.

Have you seen the strawberries and pears she has sewn to go with her Aimee dolls? Oh my, if not do please take a peek. I promise, you will love them. She even shared the pattern and instructions, how cool is that?

Okay so now onto my point and back to my blogs new look. Samm was so very kind to take the time to design a look that is ALL my own and just for me. I have to say she made it fit me to a T and I cannot thank her enough. I am so beaming and tickled pink pink pink.

Ahhhh yes, sweet pouty Beetyle does seem to feel a bit differently about it. She looks a lil like "oh my gawd like I cannot believe you stuck me in the middle of all this peachy pink and bows"!

I think she'll get over it though LOL

Xoxoxxx Ree

Jan 9, 2010 is this scary or what???

Seems my largest, or at least one of my largest challenges, concerning my doll making is creating a head and then starting another project before I put a body to that poor head.

I am terrible about this and as you can see I end up with a "mountain" of unloved doll heads.

Some of the time I pass on making a body for a head if I am not 100% enchanted with it. Other times I am pleased with the head but then another idea pops into my head that I cannot seem to wait to try out. Then at the worst of times, I seem to get what I have learned is called the doll flu and after getting a head done I just cannot seem to get myself motivated to proceed.

All in all, any way I go I end up with a pile of poor unloved heads.

This brings me to the new thought that in 2010 I can work hard to pull myself away from this habit. I do so hope some of these darlings get complete and I aim to repeat this terrible habit as little as posible.

Is there HOPE for me  in 2010 perhaps?

Xoxoxxx Ree