The darling Pooball Pipa
Oh my where to begin! I've been so wrapped up in so much I have very much neglected my blog. I am truly sorry to all those whom follow me. Having teen sons and one leaving to go into the military kind of does that to one.
Sooooo, above is my latest Pooball. I decided to revamp the line a bit and Pipa received fantastic feedback. She is already in a new home but I will be making more in this new style. I love how she turned out. I have also included more of the Pooball story under each of their pics. The Pooball Adventures are indeed beginning! Are you excited??? I surely am!
This is Tulip from my Ree's Rags line |
Above is Tulip. It felt wonderful to make another rag doll and I will be making another one soon. Both have a home already but Tulip is still very happy to share her picture with you!
Uht Oh! Toddler Tanjeryne |
Uht Oh! baby Ree
Next are two Uht Oh! creations I finished not to long ago. On Ree I did my first watercolor eyes on this line and loved them! Both of them have homes already.
2011 Halloween Edition Uht Oh! Toddler Starlyte
Hugs & Squeeshies!
Xooxoxxx Ree